2014, Number s2
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salud publica mex 2014; 56 (s2)
Barriers and opportunities for the regulation of food and beverage advertising to children in Mexico
Théodore F, Juárez-Ramírez C, Cahuana-Hurtado L, Blanco I, Tolentino-Mayo L, Bonvecchio A
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 123-129
PDF size: 235.89 Kb.
Objective. To identify barriers and opportunities for the
regulation of food and beverage advertising to children.
Materials and methods. A qualitative study. Fourteen key
informants from the congress, private sector, officials from
the ministry of health and academics involved in the issue of
regulation of advertising were interviewed.
Results. Barriers
identified: conception of obesity as an individual problem,
minimization of the negative effects on health, definition
of the vulnerability of children bounded to their cognitive
development. Facilitators support from various sectors of
society regulation, extensive scientific discussion on the
subject, successful experience and its lessons on tabacco
Conclusion. Mexico has key elements for achieving
effective regulation on advertising.
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