2014, Number s2
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salud publica mex 2014; 56 (s2)
Effects of an intervention strategy for school children aimed at reducing overweight and obesity within the State of Mexico
Morales-Ruán MC, Shamah-Levy T, Amaya-Castellanos CI, Salazar-Coronel AA, Jiménez-Aguilar A, Amaya-Castellanos MA, Méndez-Gómez HI
Language: English
References: 35
Page: 113-122
PDF size: 299.69 Kb.
Objective. This study explored the intervention effect of the
“Nutrition on the Go” strategy on the prevalence of overweight
and obesity (OW+O), according to the role played by
different patterns.
Materials and methods. Pattern Groups
(PG) were determined based on schools’ food availability
and other variables at individual level: nutrition knowledge,
physical activity, socioeconomic level and self-efficacy, using
an ecological approach. The PG classification was achieved
using Ward’s cluster method.
Results. The prevalence of
OW+O was higher in PG1 (intermediate food availability
and high socioeconomic index [SEI]) compared to PG 2 (high
availability of food and lower SEI) and PG 3 (low availability
of food and medium SEI) with a lower prevalence (
The PG-intervention interaction showed differences for PG
3 (
p=0.066), the stage-PG interaction showed differences
between PGs 1 and 3 (
p=0.014) and between PGs 2 and 3
Conclusions. Differences between PGs have
important implications for the prevalence of OW+O.
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