2014, Number 3
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Acta Med Cent 2014; 8 (3)
Characterization of minor victims in alleged sex crimes
Gómez DR, Valdés-Ávila HG, Díaz NN, Loy VB, Rodríguez JR, González PAC
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 63-71
PDF size: 148.94 Kb.
A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted during the period from
January 2013 to February 2014 with 92 alleged victims who met the
inclusion criteria of interest in the study to which they filled out a form for
collecting primary data prior informed consent of parents or guardians The
objectives included characterizing sexual offenses in alleged victims under
16 years old in the province of Villa Clara and identify demographic and
situational variables related to sexual offense type. The data processing was
carried out through the creation of a database with a data processor (SPSS
for Windows, version 11.0) system. The information is summarized in tables
that reflect the absolute values and percentages and survey techniques were
used as descriptive type hypothesis testing between proportions, the
goodness of fit to a theoretical approach and dependency between variables.
It was found that the most common crime was lewd sexual abuse and the
largest number of victims were female, aged between 11 and 15 years, the
municipalities with the highest number of cases were Santa Clara, followed
by Manicaragua and Sagua la Grande, crimes occurred, mostly in the
author's home and victimizers more predominant were neighbors and
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