2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Int Emerg 2012; 11 (1)
Result of the non-sustained low blood pressure in sepsis patients admitted in the intensive care unit
Gutiérrez GL, Sánchez RE, García GA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 2374-2384
PDF size: 231.59 Kb.
Introduction: The infectious diseases are a serious problem of the world public health due to its frequency and high associated mortality.
Objectives: To determine the relation between the non-sustained low blood pressure and the mortality in sepsis patients.
Methods: A descriptive and prospective study was conducted in the patients admitted in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) of the “Carlos J. Finlay” Hospital. Sample was obtained from a universe of 379 patients by systemic randomized probabilistic sampling remaining 131 patients divided into two groups: hypotensive and non-hypotensive according to the a systolic pressure ‹ 90 mmHg and during less than 60 minutes.
Results: Mean age was of 61,9 ± 17,6 years. The more frequent non-communicable chronic disease was the high blood pressure. The complicated postoperative period was the more frequent diagnosis at admission and infection in the surgical site was the more frequent complication. the patients with non-sustained hypotension had a greater mortality statistically significant X
2: 4.32; p = 0,03 and a risk to die of 2,06. The was predominance of patients aged over 50 in both sexes.
Conclusions: Patients presenting with sepsis and also hypotensive over a time less than 60 minutes had twice more probabilities to die. Mortality increased with age. The three-quarter of patients were carriers of chronic and degenerative diseases.
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