2013, Number 1
Dental emergencies behavior in pregnant women. Barquisimeto. Lara, Venezuela. 2011
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 10-19
PDF size: 246.63 Kb.
Background: Oral health in very important for pregnant women and to study their behaviour in dental emergencias permits decisión taking.Objective: to determine the behaviour of dental emergencias in pregnant women in La California dentist´s office, Venezuela.
Methodology: an observational descriptive study was performed to a population of 101 patients who attended to the dentistry consultation, a simple of 93 patients complied the inclusion criteria. The observation method was used and the relative and absolute frequencies were used too. The variables age, risk factors and dentistry emergencies were taken into account.
Results: the group between 20-24 years prevailed with a 29,0 % and the pre university schooling level with a 43,0 %. 80,6 % of the simple had antecents of dental caries, 65,5 % poor oral health and 63,4 % cariogenic diet. 35,4 % of the population suffered from r gingivitis and 26,8 % due to odontalgia.
Conclusions: the third part of the population studied attended to consultation due to gingivitis and dental caries as a dental emergency. The majority of the pregnant women had antecedents of dental caries as a biological risk factor and more than the half attended due to poor oral hygiene and a cariogenic diet as a risk factor.
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