2014, Number 2
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Revista del Hospital Psiquiátrico de La Habana 2014; 11 (2)
Appropriateness of the Integrative Therapy with Temporary Modality and Group in Cuba
González SI
Language: Spanish
References: 23
PDF size: 138.32 Kb.
Introduction: Every day become more difficult the practical demands of the Clinic Psychology
and Health area´s professionals. Due to this fact, these professionals are obligated to look for
intervention strategies more complex that imply the use of a psychotherapeutic model in it self.
Objective: To analyze the appropriateness of the Integrated Therapy with Temporary Modality
and Group in Cuba.
Methods: A deep bibliographic search was done mainly based on the exchange strategy with
specialists that work with this theme. A deep review of some theorist and practical referents of
these intervention modalities were done and limitations and kindness of application of these
procedures to the new social -institutional conditions and to the heterogenic population that
comes to our services were identify.
Conclusion: The intentions of the specialists to answer to the particularities of the demands on
orientation and psychological care in our country have given placed to the increment of the use of these modalities because they bring the opportunity to cover a great number of patients on consultation with a diversity of problems and disorders.
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