2014, Number 4
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (4)
Twin pregnancy with acardiac foetus: Case presentation
Rivera VAC, García JME
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 561-569
PDF size: 120.33 Kb.
Introduction: among several peculiarities of gestation twins (univiteline)
monochorionic is sequence of Twin Reverse Arterial Perfusion (TRAP sequence) or
fetus-fetal transfusion. TRAP is a serious complication whereby the affected twin is
been perfused in a reverse manner through arterio-arterial and veno-venous
anastomoses by another twin; resulting in an abnormal acardiac foetus and other
normal, but with hemodynamic consequences in the latter, due to this complication.
Objective: illustrate a twin pregnancy with an acardius acephalus (parasite) twin
diagnosis by antenatal, ante partum ultrasound; since it is seldom reported in our
Case Presentation: the results of a 17-year-old primigravida pregnant woman's
with a twin pregnancy of 36.3 weeks, diagnosed by Ultra sound (US) are presented
in this article. Four previous ante-natal checks up were retrieved before she went
into labour. An evaluative US was carried out; showing a live foetus in a cephalic
presentation, accompanied by an amorphous mass that was concluded as a
malformed foetus in a twin pregnancy. The patient was referred to the National
Regional Escuintla Hospital (NREH). A caesarean section was performed. A female
newborn of 2.37 kg weight and an amorphous mass - corresponding to a
malformed foetus- were found. A uni-chorionic, uni-amniotic placenta was found, as
well as a foetus-foetal blood perfusion (from normal to malformed) that kept "alive"
the malformed foetus until the delivery. Intra partum foetal death of the second
(amorphous) foetus was noticed. The body was sent to the department of
pathology for post-mortem study service. The findings of the post-mortem are
presented in this report.
Conclusions: acardiocephalus twin pregnancy by reverse foetus-fetal transfusion is
quite uncommon in our country, due to early and advanced antenatal control and
diagnosis. Early detection of such cases provides a good tool to avoid intra partum
and postpartum neonatal deaths, thus, contributing to decrease infant mortality
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