2013, Number 1
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RCAN 2013; 23 (1)
Estado del conocimiento del personal de Enfermería sobre temas de Nutrición clínica
González BM
Language: Spanish
References: 46
Page: 44-64
PDF size: 108.64 Kb.
The current state of the knowledge on Clinical nutritional and Nutricional therapy by Nursery personnel was assessed. An exam containing 10 questions regarding to issues pertaining nutritional assessment, food, tube feeding, enteral nutrition and parenteral nutrition Wad
applied to 201 nurses working at two tertiarylevel hospitals of the city of Havana (Average age: 34.5 &3177; 11.2 years; Women: 78.1%; Majors in Nursery: 52.2%; Between 11 – 20 years of working experience: 35.8%). In addition, an audit of the clinical charts of 100 patients
randomly selected from among those hospitalized at the moment of the survey Wad conducted in order to assess the presence of records pertaining nutritional assessment of the patient, the status of appetite, and food intakes,
the care of accesses dedicated to infusion of nutrients, and the fulfilment of the prescribed nutritional therapy schemes, as part of the “Nursing Care Process”. Results of the exam were distributed as follows:
Good: 8.5% of the responses;
Average: 24.9%; and
Bad: 66.7%; respectively. Exam results were independent from the nurse´s formation profile and the years of experience (data not shown). Only 28.0% of
the audited charts were qualified as “Satisfactory”, when they included records in each of the aforementioned items. Knowledge of the Nursing personnel on Clinical nutrition and Nutritional therapy was scarce. Care practices of the nurse does not include the timely
identification of malnutrition and its complications. Food and Nutrition should be incorporated as independent courses within the Nursery curriculum design, and entrusted to experiences nurses. Opportunities for
postgraduate formation of the nurse should be expanded, including the transit through the Nutrition in Public Health Mastery.
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