2013, Number 1
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Mul Med 2013; 17 (1)
Results of the surgical treatment in patients with acute apendicitis. ¨Maria Genoveva Guerrero Ramos¨ Integral Health Center ¨, 2007-2011
Ricardo MD, Pérez SMJ, Pérez SCM, Pujol LPM
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-16
PDF size: 195.16 Kb.
The acute appendicitis is the surgical condition that is frequently diagnosed and treated in patients with non-traumatic surgical acute abdomen. With the aim to characterize the behavior of surgically treated patients with acute appendicitis diagnosis at ¨Maria Genoveva Guerrero Bouquets¨ Integral Health Center of Montalban, in the Metropolitan District of Caracas, Venezuela, it was carried out a descriptive, prospective and transversal study in patients that received urgent surgical treatment by the aforesaid diagnostic. The study covered the period between September 1rst, 2007 until September 31, 2011. There were included 262 patients over 15 years to fulfill the afore exposed criteria. The male sex prevailed (162 patients, 61.8%); the majority of the surgicaly treated patients were between 17 and 31 years (138, 52.67%). The greater number of patients presented the appendices in a suppuration condition, 93 (35, 50%), whereas the gangrenous was found in 58 (22.13%) and the drilled with peritonitis in 29 (11.07%). The appendicetomy was practised in 213 patients (81.29%) of the total; followed by the appendicetomy, drainage and wash of abdominal cavity performed in 47 patients (17.93%).The severe sepsis in 17 patients (6.48%) was the most frequent complication, followed by the infection of the surgical wound in 8 (3.05%).
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