2013, Number 1
Didactic proposal for the development of the system of electrocardiogram lessons in Clinical Propedeutic subject
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Introduction: In spite of the multiple strategies designed for the teaching of the contents about the Electrocardiographic Propedeutic program, the students do not get properly the knowledge and they do not apply them systematically. Besides, the subject program does not have methodological guidelines for the topic. This situation has brought about insufficiencies in the development of the skills in third year medical students, for the diagnostic of the main electrocardiographic alterations. Objective: to elaborate a didactic proposal for the development of the system of electrocardiographic lessons in theClinical Propedeutic Subject. Method: This proposal is based on the application of the didactic principles to the teaching learning process, in the solution of the difficulties identified by the teachers during the development of this system of lessons and in the different problems to be solved in the Primary Health Care. Results: It is proposed the system of objectives, knowledge and skills for the different electrocardiographic lessons. It was established like a general objective, the diagnostic of the main electrocardiographic alterations. The proposal emphasizes in the education at work like an ideal way to develop the skills and form the values in the students. Conclusions: The proposal can be useful for the teachers in order to develop the system of electrocardiographic lessons and to obtain in the students the necessary skills for the diagnostic of the main electrocardiographic alterations.REFERENCES
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