2013, Number 1
Maternal factors that predispose the low birth weight
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 1-19
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It was performed a retrospective analytical study of case-control type during the period January 1rst, 2011 to August 31, 2012 at Carlos Manuel de Cespedes Hospital with the aim to identify the maternal factors that predispose the newborns under 1500 g, the universe was about 563 low birth weights and the sample was about 41 low birth weights alive. There were analyzed the data through the EPIDAT program, version 3.1, determining for each risk factor the reason of crossed products (ODDS-RATIO) with an interval of reliability of the 95 %; besides it was evidenced the association between each maternal disease and the low birth weight through the Chi Square (x2) test. The low birth weight was associated to the biological conditions and diverse illnesses that affected both the mother and the fetus, bringing about as risk factors, the maternal age under 20 or over 35 years (OR:3.36), a size under 150 cms (OR:1.80) and the smoker mothers (OR:8.00). Between the urinary sepsis and the very low birth weight (p: 0.00) it was evidenced a significant statistical association. Many of these factors proposed can not be avoided, but they can be controlled like the smoking habit during the gestation and the vaginal and urinary sepsis.REFERENCES
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