2014, Number 2
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Gaceta Médica Espirituana 2014; 16 (2)
The integration of educational influences of the university and the role of the family in the profesional formation of higher education
Guevara FGE, Herrera RJI, García PY
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 181.15 Kb.
Background: in the process of professionals training in higher education, the integration of educational influences around the student is crucial to provide the levels of support that he claims.
Objective: to systematize the theoretical framework about the process of formation of the professional of higher education since the integration of educational influences of the university and the family.
Conclusions: as part of the educational process that is developed in higher education the influences of the university and the family from the group of the year should be integrated, under the conditions of the social situation of development of the young college that tribute to the achievement of professional articulated training in a harmonic and coherent way through mutual cooperation and reciprocal communication, and the identification of projected goals towards improvement in the student's education.
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