2014, Number 2
Learning to observe from the beginning of medical studies is a training need
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Background: the observation ability is important in medical education and practice, it is applied to situations, ranging from anatomical studies to the systematic work with different methods and procedures of the profession; however actual results in the biomedical basic cycle are still insufficient. Objective: to deepen into the conceptual, microcurricular and didactical dimensions of the observation ability in basic biomedical studies. Methodology: a literature review was made as well as scientific observations on teaching activities during the 2012/2013 academic course and a questionnaire to teachers was applied. Results: no conceptual clarity was found in the teachers regarding the observation ability in medical studies. In the microcurricular dimension lack of systematic inclusion of the observation ability in the systems of objectives and skills was found. In the performed observations poor acting by the teachers and students in the training and development of the observation ability was found; still less to assess the achieved mastery. Conclusions: the conceptual knowledge found, the current microcurricular design conditions and the characteristics of the teaching-learning process of the basic biomedical sciences, do not favor the proper training and development of the observation ability in basic biomedical studies.REFERENCES
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