2014, Number 07
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MediSan 2014; 18 (07)
Algorithm for the metabolic control of the diabetic patient in the postoperative period of the cardiovascular surgery
Rodulfo GM, de Dios LJA, Rodríguez AOD, Torralbas RFE
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 148-151
PDF size: 142.01 Kb.
The patient with diabetes mellitus frequently presents uncontrolled glycemia levels in the
postoperative period of the cardiovascular surgery, due to the metabolic consequences
caused by them, either the increase of counter-regulative hormones as the resistance
and/or decrease of the insulin levels, caused by the surgical stress to which the organism
is exposed. Its control is essential during the surgery and after it, because the clinical
course of the affected depends on it; therefore, it is of vital importance to have a guide
that allows guidance to maintain the glycemia figures in appropriate values. A
therapeutic algorithm of easy use is presented, elaborated in the Cardiovascular Surgery
Service of "Saturnino Lora Torres" Clinical Surgical Teaching Provincial Hospital in
Santiago de Cuba, with the objective of treating hyperglycemia, which can be generalized
to the rest of the institutions in the country.
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