2013, Number 3
Knowledes, motivations, attitudes, and open access practices at the Latin American School of Medicine
Language: Spanish
References: 13
Page: 40-42
PDF size: 250.81 Kb.
An exploratory study was carried out for evaluating the knowledge of a group of professors about the strategies of the open access movement and their link with the consultation, publication, and dissemination practices of the information, in consequence, a survey was applied to 30 professors. It was determined the association between knowledge about the strategies of the open access and the favorable tendency of the surveyed professors to make use of repositories, through a contingency coefficient for a reliable level of 0,95 (p ‹ 0,05). 63,3% of all the ones surveyed knew about the open access movement and 76,7% pronounced in favor of it. It was not found association between knowledge about the strategies of the open access movement and the favorable tendency to the use of repositories.REFERENCES
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