2014, Number 2
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Rev Enferm IMSS 2014; 22 (2)
Guía para el diseño del plan de cuidados de enfermería en personas con diabetes mellitus tipo 2
Yam-Sosa AV, Collí-Novelo LB, Candila-Celis JA
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 107-112
PDF size: 198.90 Kb.
The guide to designing nursing care plans for people living with type 2 diabetes allows continuous
assessment of human responses. It is based on the interplay of three standardized languages
recognized by the American Nurses Associati on: a) Diagnosis labels developed by North American
Nursing Diagnosis Association, Nursing Interventions Classification, and Nursing Outcomes Classification. A list of diagnosis labels, interventions and outcomes is presented, based on what the
American Diabetes Association recommends for ABC diabetes care. The purpose is to strengthen
the critical thinking ability in nursing staff in day to day decision making in the care of people; also
to facilitate the development of intellectual and interpersonal skills as well as techniques to design,
implement and assess the nursing care plan. The quick reference guide is useful for teachers
and professionals, students or any health professional who requires information for the care of
people living type 2 diabetes.
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