2014, Number 4
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Rev Med MD 2014; 5.6 (4)
Neonatal dengue
Pelayo-Álvarez ML, Gutiérrez-Virués S, Choreño-Delgado V, Serralde-Valdés SG, Islas-Ruz FG
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 268-272
PDF size: 553.90 Kb.
Dengue is an infectious disease transmitted by the Aedes aegypti mosquito; it represents an important public health
problem in Mexico, specially in the coast areas. There have been few cases of vertical transmition described in medical
literature; it is estimated that mother – child transmition can be around 1.6%. Clinical presentation will depend on the
time of the pregnancy in which it presents itself; in the first trimester it will conclude in abortion, in the second trimester
it will incrrease the risk of prematurity, low birth weight and intrauterine growth restriction and in the third trimerster
it will increase the risk of bleading. The sympthoms presented in a newborn afected in the last trimester are described
form 9 hours after birth to 11 days of life, with an average of 4 days; clinical presentations can range from the most
common mild form, to severe forms with multi – system compromise. We present the case of a male newborn with
neonatal dengue infection.
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