2013, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2013; 3 (1)
Tomographic evolution in patients with cranial–encephalic traumatism
Varela HA, Paucar CIJ, Tamakloe K, Silva AS, Medrano GR
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 44-50
PDF size: 385.67 Kb.
Objective: To show the results in a series of patients with head trauma monitored by means of sequential CT scan of the head, insisting in the determination of prognostic factors related with significant tomographic worsening of the intracranial lesions.
Methods: An observational, prospective and analytic study was practiced with the patients that were hospitalized at the “Manuel Ascunce Domenech” University Hospital in Camagüey, from the first of July of 2011 to January 31 2012, who suffered cerebral trauma. All patients who were studied with a head CT scan at admission and at least once again during hospitalization conformed the sample. Descriptive statistic, chi–square, McNemar, ANOVA and binomial logistical regression were used.
Results: 33 patients were studied, 21.2% of them shows tomographic changes that motivated surgical treatments. Significant relationship was detected among the presence of vomits and peritraumatic amnesia longer than one hour. With the application of ANOVA and logistical regression, it was verified that the Rotterdam score had the biggest importance to establish this prognosis.
Conclusions: In the presented series, the criteria used at the "Manuel Ascunce Domenech" University Hospital Neurosurgery´s service for the sequential head´s CT scan application in patient with cerebral trauma were shown. It was found that the application of the Rotterdam score in the initial CT scan was the most important element for the prediction of significant volume increase of the intracranial traumatic lesions.
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