2014, Number 2
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Rev Hum Med 2014; 14 (2)
Development of the Orthodontics in Camagüey
Gómez EMK, Cuan CM, Altunaga CA
Language: Spanish
References: 12
Page: 285-303
PDF size: 151.02 Kb.
Objective: To carry out a retrospective, descriptive and historical study on the beginning and
development of this specialization in the county of Camagüey.
Method: Documents were revised it has more than enough history and evolution of the world
Orthodontics, in the country and databases Scielo, Cumed and printed documents in books
and magazines in libraries.
Results: Their results were analyzed according to different moments: the develop of the
Orthodontics during the XIX century; practice of the Orthodontics in Cuba during the XX
century before and after the victory of the Cuban revolution; year 1962 and dentistry changes
in the county of Camagüey and development of the Orthodontics in the territory.
Conclusions: The revolutionary victory in Cuba caused deep transformations in the dentistry.
The professors that assumed the teaching in Cuba contributed to the development of the
country and the formation of competent professionals with positive values. The
understanding and support toasted by the provincial and national addresses of the Ministry of
Public health also useful.
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