2014, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2014; 30 (1)
Health status of children aged 8-14 months depending on the type of breastfeeding
Fernández BEJ, Steward LG, Alum BJM, Díaz SY
Language: Spanish
References: 36
Page: 82-92
PDF size: 119.03 Kb.
Introduction: Breastfeeding has proven itself over generations and it has allowed
the survival of humanity, it has showed health benefits of mother, child, and
Objective: To characterize the health status of children aged 8-14 months depending
on the type of feeding they received in their first six months of life.
Methods: A descriptive retrospective study was undertaken in 32 children aged 8 and
14 months from family medical practices 20, 21, 22, 23, 25 and 27 at Céspedes
Polyclinic in Camagüey. The nonrandom sample was composed of 29 children aged 8
and 14 months who met our inclusion and exclusion criteria. The variables studied
were: number of pneumonia episodes, other respiratory infections that would or not
have required antimicrobial, diarrheal diseases, hospital admissions for infectious
diseases, and nutritional status.
Results: Out of the total number of children observed, 11 were exclusively breastfed
until six months of age, representing 37.9% of the total. Acute respiratory infections
without antibiotics and respiratory infections treated with antimicrobials episodes
were mostly observed in both groups. Children with compromised nutritional status
were more frequent among patients who were not exclusively breastfed until the sixth
month (17.3% of the total).
Conclusions: poor practices EBF prevailed and infectious are more common diseases
in these children, thus causes hospitalization and nutritional disorders are very
common as well.
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