2013, Number 4
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2013; 29 (4)
Atheromatosis of the abdominal aorta and its relationship with the lifestyle
Vives IAE, Reyes PRB, Vergara LJL
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 288-300
PDF size: 229.91 Kb.
Introduction: lifestyle is the individual way of life. The decisions that an individual makes on working, feeding, facing difficult situations, exercising, and others, will
shape his health status and will affect it positively or negatively.
Objective: to identify the presence of atheromatosis of the abdominal aorta in two groups of patients with different lifestyles.
Methods: a comparative-type research study was conducted in two groups of patients with different lifestyles, one healthy (115 patients) and the other
unhealthy (254 patients). The lifestyle was identified through a survey. All the involved patients were performed an abdominal ultrasound to meet the objectives of the study along with the results of the survey.
Results: females aged 40 to 61 years were predominant in both groups. The patients with unhealthy, predominantly omnivorous diet and sedentary lifestyles developed atheromatosis in the abdominal aorta in 99% of cases. In the study group with healthy lifestyle, atheroma plaques were found in two patients accounting for 1.7%. The main associated chronic diseases were diabetes mellitus,
and blood hypertension. Risk factors such as smoking, hyperlipidemias, hepatic and pancreatic steatosis prevailed in the study group with unhealthy lifestyle.
Conclusions: unhealthy lifestyle habits will determine the development of risk factors and diseases in an individual.
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