2014, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2014; 53 (1)
Scientific research: institutional and social responsibility
Cañete VR, Guilhem D, Brito PK, Carvalho GNMR, Valdés VR, Noda AAL
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 104-113
PDF size: 165.04 Kb.
The scientific process is a priority for any public health system because the results,
positives or not, contribute to optimize processes and to reduce costs. In critical
situations the evidences provided by investigators can determine the permanency,
modification or even elimination of certain programs or methods of the daily
practice. Consequently those who design and/or to drive investigations need to be
responsible and to receive the major attention from the society and the politicians. Science, its advances, its challenges and mainly its results, cannot be locked in
laboratories or scientific institutions; on the contrary, they should open up to the
society for their timely implementation.
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