2014, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Trop 2014; 66 (1)
Applications of a comprehensive model for the study of urban malaria in San Andrés de Tumaco, Colombia
Molineros GLF, Calvache LO, Bolaños RH, Castillo CC, Torres BC
Language: Spanish
References: 70
Page: 3-19
PDF size: 96.97 Kb.
A study was conducted of the epidemiological characteristics of urban malaria and
the factors associated to its transmission worldwide by means of a review of
published materials, including books, scientific papers, topic reviews and technical
reports. The methodology applied was based on the search for documents and
managers in bibliographic sources. Results are expected to provide a current
picture of the morbidity and mortality burden of urban malaria, laying the foundations for relevant research into the topic and the development of control
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