2014, Number 1
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Rev Cub Oftal 2014; 27 (1)
Schnyder crystalline dystrophy
Guerra AM, Cambas AAA, de Prada SC, Parapar TSI, Averoft L, Lora DK
Language: Spanish
References: 18
PDF size: 87.54 Kb.
Central crystalline dystrophy known as Schnyder´s dystrophy, called like this because
he was the first one to describe it in 1927 in Switzerland, is the main inherited entity
with liquid deposits in the corneal stroma. This disease is characterized by white-yellow
deposits into the central and superficial corneal stroma. A 28 years old black male
patient, with previous history of health problems, went to the doctor´s office and
mentioned visual reduction and progressive coloring changes in both eyes that had
lasted some years. Ophthalmologic examination of both eyes showed annular white
lesions at the corneal stroma, with light central corneal haze. Simple hypermetropic
astigmatism was detected in the refractive exams. The rest of ophthalmologic exams
was negative. For more secure diagnosis, confocal microscope was used. It was
concluded that the patient had stromal corneal dystrophy, or Schnyder´s crystalline
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