2013, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2013; 8 (1)
The prescription of nueroleptics in nursing homes in Havana, Cuba
Bell BIM, Fernández ME, Travieso RG, Milanés RO, Lam GMM, Fonseca PEE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 21-27
PDF size: 777.30 Kb.
Objectives: To evaluate the use of neuroleptics in nursing homes in the municipalities of Lisa, Playa and
Marianao during the period of 2010-2011.
Method: A prospective medication use study was performed in three stages. Stage one: a study of prescriptiondirections with use factors and therapeutic index, and the identification of drug-disease interactions. Stage two: educational intervention directed at doctors and nurses. Stage three: three months later the intervention
results were evaluated by repeating the actions of the first stage. Information was obtained from the 282 patient histories, nursing medical treatment registries, and medication delivery from pharmacy services.
Results: Thioridazine was the most utilized neuroleptic with 26.2%, which decreased after the intervention. The results for the t-student test for related samples showed significant statistical differences between the average figures for the dosis of thioridazine and levomepromazine (p=0.015 and p=0.006; respectively) before and after the intervention, low doses were common for long and undefined periods.
Conclusions: A moderate reduction of the consumption of neuroleptics was produced. It is necessary to systemize the intervention actions of the pharmaceutical professional.
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