2013, Number 1
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Cuba y Salud 2013; 8 (1)
The Virtual Pathology Museum as a pedagogical tool at the Latin American School of Medicine
Ochoa AA, Ríos RJJ, Ríos RN, León TE, Maldonado JF, Fallas MI
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 787.45 Kb.
Objective: To describe the virtual pathology museum implemented at the Latin American School of Medicine
(LASM) as a support to the educational process.
Methods: An innovative technological project was developed at the LASM between October 2010 and May
2011. The project consisted of two stages, in the first stage 288 surveys were distributed via simple randomly
sampling to students identified as users of information services and their Anatomic Pathology learning needs
were identified. The second stage consisted of the development of a technological tool in which key persons
were consulted.
Results: Of those surveyed 26.3% and 33.6% identified themselves as habitual and frequent users of the
Intranet and its services, respectively. The most frequently performed activities when accessing Intranet were
e-mail (TV/TR index = 3.75), information searches (TV/TR index = 2.97), and school work (TV/TR index = 2.90). The Wordpress platform, distributed under a General Public License, was used for the tool. Open archive formats were adopted for the stored content. Administrator, editor and authenticated user roles were created to guarantee the functionality, maintenance and quality of the stored content.
Conclusions: The Virtual Pathology Museum (Muvap in Spanish) was implemented based on student needs and
their information requirements.
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