2014, Number 3
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Medisur 2014; 12 (3)
Recommendations for Improving the Quality of the Medical Interview: The ABC of Questioning
Corona MLA, Fonseca HM
Language: Spanish
References: 7
Page: 488-494
PDF size: 133.20 Kb.
Acquiring the skills to perform proper questioning is
one of the most important and complex training
objectives in medical programs; its fulfillment
requires both students and teachers' efforts.
"Knowing how to question" is, in fact, an essential
competence to provide quality care to sick
individuals. This article shows a system of technical
recommendations used as conditions that allow the
correct application of the questioning skills. The
proposal is considered a contribution to the teaching
and learning of a critical tool inherent to the method
of the profession: the clinical method.
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