2012, Number S1
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (S1)
Community intervention to modify the sexual knowledge in adolescents
Larduet TA, Benítez LY, Hernández PA, Girón PE
Language: Spanish
References: 11
PDF size: 129.40 Kb.
Adolescence is one of the most important periods in human life. It was performed an educative intervention with the objective to modify the knowledge in adolescents belonging to the sector 10 from the polyclinic Ramón López Peña during the year 2010. The universe was made by 73 adolescents. An educative strategy was developed upon the basis on the educational needs. The results of the educative intervention were represented through frequency charts. The research evidenced at first an inappropriate knowledge at the time of recognizing the STI, prevention of pregnancy in the adolescence, contraceptive methods and inappropriate
behavior in regards to the use of the condom and the number of sexual partners as well as the perception of risks of contracting an STI. With the implementation of the educational strategy it was obtained an increase of
the adequate knowledge about sexuality, what showed the effectiveness of studies in these types of adolescents.
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