2012, Number 20
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Rev Cub de Reu 2012; 14 (20)
Mesotherapy in patients with fibromyalgia
Suárez RBL, Muñiz CI
Language: Spanish
References: 20
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A study prospective pre-experimental was carried out in Santa Clara Policlinic from September 2006 to September 2007 about patients diagnosed with Fibromyalgia using as treatment mesotherapy, this consists on the infiltration of small quantities of intradermal drug in painful points, lidocaina to 2 %, having as objective to evaluate the therapeutic effect of this technique. The sample was constituted by 22 patients of feminine sex, white race, with ages between 40 and 59 years. To evaluate the results the visual analogical scale was used for the pain, the decrease in the number from points to the end of the treatment, the test of Waddell for functional inability. We concluded that the therapeutic effect of the mesotherapy was satisfactory achieving a reduction of the painful points with a very significant stocking at the end of the treatment, as well as a decrease in the functional inability being the time of remission of smaller pain and similar to 6 sessions.
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