2012, Number 19
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Rev Cub de Reu 2012; 14 (19)
Morbidity and physical disability for osteoarthritis in the municipality 10 October
Friol GJ, Carnota LO, Rodríguez BEM, Campo TMF, Porro NJ
Language: Spanish
References: 60
PDF size: 272.68 Kb.
The osteoarthritis is the most common of joins disease. A descriptive and transversal research was made in the 10 de Octubre municipal area of the Havana city. Having the main aim to describe the morbility of osteoarthritis of the knee and hip in the population of the referred area and to identify the level of disability, the patient include in the study in the period of time between January and April of 2011.The simple was taken from all the patients that were attended in the Rehabilitation consulting room withe the diagnosed of the mentioned pathologies in the four Policlinicals (“Turcios Lima, Raúl Gómez, Luís Pasteur y 14 de Junio”).mostly determine the difference between distribution of some variables cualitativas, we made the Chi square test, the level of significance was 0.05 %( α=0.05). The 59.6% of patients were female, the ages average was 65 years, the 13.4 percent were obese, 8.9 % were diabetic and a 7.6% presented both diseases, the 48.07% of patients had between 5 y 10 years of evolution, the knee was the most injure, the pain was present in 93.7% of the patients, the 83.5 % of the patients received physiotherapeutic treatment, the 62.1 % had a moderate disability. The obesity and diabetic were the diseases more associated with osteoarthritis, the moderate and severe disability was most evident in older patients. The pain represents important reason of disability in the studies patients.
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