2014, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (3)
Use of the natural and Traditional Medicine in patients tried by orthodontics with oral mucosa injuries
Barrera MR, Kindelán BR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 466-474
PDF size: 73.80 Kb.
Introduction: most of the buccal lesions in the Orthodontic's treatment are product of a mechanical irritation that begins in the mucosal membranes of the gums and internal part of the cheeks because of that is important their detection on time.
Objective: to compare the most used therapeutics procedure in Traditional and Natural Medicine respecting to conventional orthodontic therapy in patients with traumatic oral mucosal injuries.
Material and methods: a retrospective and descriptive trial was done during the period from January to June of the 2006 in the stomatological clinic "Juan Manuel Márquez" setting geographically in the Playa municipality, at the Havana Province. A random sample included 174 patients of any sex and race specifically treated using Physiotherapy, Apiotherapy and Laser therapy and conventional treatment of oral lesions. The therapeutic efficacy was assessed at time of 7, 15, and 30 days. Statics analysis included both relative and absolute frequencies.
Results: most of the patients had an evolution time of 15 days according to establishing time in these types of lesions, the biggest effectiveness corresponding to therapy Laser being proven its effects bio-stimulant and the histic repairing.
Conclusions: all the patient treated using Laser therapy and Physiotherapy had a satisfactory ending evolution in 15 days, whereas, some of patient treated with Apiotherapy and Conventional therapy delayed up to 30 days to cure.
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