2014, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (3)
Drugs and Toxicology Information Center (CIMETOX): First report of acute intoxication in Angola
Pedro NA, Torres AMA, Ruiz AI, Moya DBR, Suárez EÁ, Cantelar FN, Cathcart RF, Simóes OPR, Valdés BR
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 455-465
PDF size: 119.00 Kb.
Introduction: Angolan´s population is frequently exposes to diverse contaminant toxic agents because mining industry activity, agricultural and hydrocarbons industry to mention only few risk of exposure, at side, we can add the use of organ chloride pest-suppressant used in vectorial campaigns in different communities along the country among them is included the DDT. There are not national regulations registers of chemical products.
Objective: characterize the behavior of acute intoxications reported by the first time in Angola Republic from the starting of CIMETOX in 2013.
Material and methods: a descriptive and transversal study was done taking the cases treated during 2013. The sample assessed included 327 patients and was studied toxic-epidemiological variables included in the database like: type of toxic agent associated to the toxic event, intoxication cause, province, age and sex. The results were processed using statistical techniques and statistical procedures.
Results: 327 patients intoxicated were accepted mainly with intoxication caused by pest-suppressant (17,8 %), drugs intoxication (14,6 %), and chemical products (12,5 %). The highest absolute frequency has been observed in female sex (60,5 %) and the middle class more affected was 11-20 years old (37,3 %), followed by 21-40 years old (34,2 %). Provinces with more phone call were: Malanje (39,4 %), North Kwanza (22,3 %) and Luanda (18,9 %).
Conclusions: there was an increase of intoxication caused by pest-suppressant, drugs, chemical products, ponzoñosos animals. The highest frequency was observed in female sex and middle class age was between 11 to 20 years.
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