2014, Number 3
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (3)
Clinical approach of vertigo from the Primary Health Care
Alcalá VT, Lambert GM, Suárez LA
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 394-405
PDF size: 108.76 Kb.
Introduction: Vertigo set up a frequent cause of appointment in outpatient service in medical practicing of Primary Health Care (PHC) physicians. Many are the causes producing vertigo and it be classified in central vertigo and peripheral vertigo.
Objective: to describe the clinical approach of patient with vertigo from the Primary Health Care.
Material and Methods: database review was performed through the website http://infomed.sld.cu. In the websites of medical specialties was used the word otorhinolaryngology and run the searching using terms: vertigo, imbalance, vestibular symptoms.
Development: is described the methodology of assessment the patient by means anamnesis and physical examination to address the topographic and etiological diagnose. There were expounding the main clinical characteristics according to the vertiginous syndrome causes.
Conclusions: peripheral vertigo is the most common and to follow a methodology in the assessment of the patient allow from Primary Health System diagnose and treat the most frequent causes of vertigo.
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