2014, Number 2
Cochlear implants and the use of the sign language. Clinical implications of the combine
Language: Spanish
References: 16
Page: 87-95
PDF size: 171.83 Kb.
Cochlear implant technology is reaching-up a currently increasing population of children with different degrees and types of auditory prelinguistic access. Daily clinical practice must provide optimal rehabilitatory resources to furnish a wide variety of patients’ requirements before and after the implant. The use of sign language as a visual means to convey and develop language, has been controversial far before the common use of cochlear implants. However, true utility of sign language has been stressed by recent available published evidence, which involves patients with cochlear implants, as it promotes linguistic, cognitive, and spoken development. According to published evidence; to improve the education for deaf children with cochlear implants, means to incorporate the already acquired knowledge regarding the early use of sign language and the benefits of the biotechnology well known for its posibilities and its limitations. The purpose of using both, cochlear implants as well as sign language, is to increase the range of strategies available and provide all the possible means to reach a higher quality of life rather than substracting opportunities.REFERENCES
Nussbaum D, Scott S. Children with cochlear implants: where does sign language fit in? Washington D.C.: Cochlear Implant Education Center Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center, Gallaudet University; 2004. Disponible en:: http://www.audiologyonline.com/articles/children-with-cochlear-implants-where-1092
McConkey A. How does total communication affect cochlear implant performance in children? In: 4th CFOS International Conference: The impact of scientific advances on the education of deaf children. Paris, France: 2002. Disponible en:: http://www.acfos.org/publication/ourarticles/pdf/acfos4/robbins_acfos4.pdf
Hidalgo M. Aportes de la lengua de señas como facilitador de significación lingüística en adolescentes sordos que recibieron implante coclear. En: II Congreso Internacional con sede en Buenos Aires-IV Congreso Latinoamericano-V Congreso Nacional de Salud Mental y Sordera: Intersubjetividad y Vínculos. Buenos Aires, Argentina: Facultad de Psicología, Universidad de Buenos Aires; 2010. Disponible en: http://www.cultura-sorda.eu/resources/Hidalgo_Neira_Aportes_L_S_facilitador_significacion_linguistica_adolescentes_sordos_implante_coclear_2010.pdf
Gobierno de España. Estrategias, recursos y conocimientos para poner en práctica con alumnos sordos, y/o con discapacidad auditiva: guía para profesores. Agrupación de personas sordas de Zaragoza y Aragón. 2011. Disponible en: http://sid.usal.es/idocs/F8/FDO25200/Guia_Orientativa_para_profesores.pdf