2014, Number 3
Bibliometric study about breast feeding in Cubans medical publications from 2009 to 2013
Language: Spanish
References: 29
Page: 270-284
PDF size: 307.83 Kb.
Introduction: exclusive breast feeding until six month of live is not a success in Cuban´s children, them it is necessary to design actions in order to identify the problems that cause that's results. Not always that's actions are scientifically broach with the consequent publication in scientific publication.Objective: to achieve a bibliometric study about breast feeding in Cubans medical publications from 2009 to 2013.
Methods: a bibliometric study was performed in the 32 Cubans certificated periodical that include editorial trial subjects such as breast feeding. The sample was conformed by the 17 journal that publishing in this period breast feeding topics. The bibliometric method and documental review by volumes, numbers, and articles was done by each one of them.
Results: articles production about breastfeeding was not homogeneous in the five study years, original articles and descriptive studies were most frequently, predominate articles with four and five authors and only in 2011 and 2012´s articles, the references corresponded to the last five years from publication data of the article. The investigation is a reference to put up de scientific quality and productivity about breast feeding.
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