2014, Number S1
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Mediciego 2014; 20 (S1)
Estimation formula of glomerular filtration rate in the chronic renal insufficiency. Advantages and disadvantages in elders
Hernández ÁP, López KC, Hernández SJC, Moyano AI, García BY
Language: Spanish
References: 47
PDF size: 100.84 Kb.
In this medical review the most frequent and updated mathematics equations to estimate gomerular filtration rate emerged in the latest decades are presented and its advantages and disadvantages in elderly patients, the basis for diagnosis and outcomes of Chronic Renal Insufficiency, its epidemiology and indicators are showed. To determine the progression of Chronic Renal Insufficiency particularly in this population of patients have considerable interest in the current nephrology, even though the existing literature points towards a beneficial of mathematics equations in patients presenting with low gomerular filtration rate but an integral clinical and humoral assessment of the disease is needed to assure the accuracy of diagnosis in elderly
patients and on the other hand to rule out senile hypofiltration, thus more randomized controlled trials are still lacking to answer this question definitely.
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