2010, Number 1
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Rev Sal Pub Int 2010; 1 (1)
International Health versus Climate Changes. Dengue Case in The Americas
Lemus LER
Language: Spanish
References: 56
PDF size: 231.80 Kb.
Objectives: To identify evidences of the relationship between climatic changes and dengue, and later on to analyze the situation of the dengue in the Americas, from January to November 2009 by means of the forces of analysis of the conceptual pattern of International Health: model of development and international relationships.
Method: a quantitative and qualitative investigation was carried out in three stages. The first one consisted on a revision of articles related with the climatic changes published in biomedical magazines by peer-reviewed. In the second stage a quantitative cross ecological was performed formed assuring independent variables as dependent variables and dengue incidence, mortality and deadliness from this disease. In the third stage a panel of researchers and experts answered questions related to the model of development, international relationships, climate changes and dengue.
Results: It was found relationship between climatic variables and the incidence of dengue, especially in the borders; as well as the association between the disease and economic and social variables studied.
Conclusions: There are few international cooperation agreements that address dengue issue for adapting to climate changes. It is shown the binding relationship between health and development, health and foreign policy/international relationships.
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