2014, Number 2
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Correo Científico Médico 2014; 18 (2)
Analytic studies and clinical-ultrasonographic evolution criteria in hospitalized cirrhotic patients
Rodríguez DM, Mulet PA, Pérez BAM, Miranda MZ, Pupo SCE, Cortés CRR
Language: Spanish
References: 25
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 330.80 Kb.
Introduction: lab studies are highly used to analytically course of cirrhosis.
Objective: to evaluate the existence or absence of relationships between analytical tests and better or worst evolution in cirrhotic patients.
Method: an observational descriptive study was carried out in cirrhotic patients admitted to Vladimir I. Lenin Hospital, from January 2011 to September 2011. The sample was intentional and comprised 41 patients whose clinical records matched the requirements of the study. They were classified in two groups of worst or better course according to clinical and echographic variables: results at the time of hospital discharge, hepatic encephalopathy, abundant ecographic ascites, history of upper gastro intestinal variceal bleeding, and decreased ecographic liver size. The value of aminotranferases, prothrombin time, and bilirubin were selected for the analysis, and the D’Reetis’ quotient and Maddrey score were also obtained.
Results: twenty five patients (61%) had worst course, and significant higher values of bilirubin and D’Reetis quotient (p=0.002 and 0,000 respectively). Having two altered tests was significantly associated with patients´ worst course (p=0,035), related to the hyperbilirubinemia plus elongated prothombin time pattern, (p=0,002). An altered Maddrey score was associated to a worst course in alcoholic cirrhosis (p=0,000).
Conclusions: hyperbilirrubinemia with elongated prothombin time, in all patients, and an increased Maddrey score in alcoholic etiology seem to be related to a worst outcome in patients hospitalized due to liver cirrhosis. Prospective studies to prove the validity and the likely use of this score in the clinical context are necessary to carry out.
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