2005, Number 3
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Rev Mex Coloproctol 2005; 11 (3)
Osmotic treatment in the reduction of incarcerated and strangulated prolapsed rectal: Report of eight cases
Rodea RH, Athié GC, Jalife MA, Orea GY, Becerra RFJ, Guízar BC
Language: Spanish
References: 8
Page: 110-113
PDF size: 82.19 Kb.
Incarcerated rectal prolapse is an uncommon potential surgical emergency. This complication occurs when reduction is not possible either by means of the patient or the treating physician. Complications related to incarceration and strangulation include ulceration and necrosis, perforation with the likelihood of evisceration of the loops intestinal trough the rectum wall and abdominal sepsis. Eigth cases on which sugar was used as an osmotic agent in the reduction of the incarcerated full-thickness rectal prolapse are presented and results analyzed.
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