2012, Number 1
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2012; 3 (1)
Aristóteles en la Historia de la educación en salud
Domínguez MI, Solernou MA, Armas MMR, Bello BI
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 117.77 Kb.
The preparation for the educational list of all professional is a necessity of the current successful acting. The professional of the health should be a person with a wide culture, of there the necessity to find in the history a source for that enrichment. He/she was carried out a bibliographical revision on the Greek philosopher's work Aristotle, who as politician it presented influence ideas and validity in the contemporary education. This article seeks to contribute to the formation in the professional's of the health values in general and especially to that that develops educational activities. It is known that in the measure in that it is deepened in the roots of what you exists it advances with firmer steps toward the future. The formation of values, of virtues just as this thinker referred, it is something as old as the own humanity and it is considered its legacy as source for the current educational work and of there the reason of this article. To form values appropriately for the person that will live in this XXI century has that necessarily to have the bases of the Aristotelian thought, he/she devises to demonstrate that it constitutes the objective of the work and that it allows us to argue the solidity of their positions.
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