2014, Number 2
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Revista Habanera de Ciencias Médicas 2014; 13 (2)
Behavior of some risk factors of acute intoxication in a population of Malanje, Angola
Pedro NA, Torres AMA, Ruiz AI, Cantelar FN, Cathcart RF, Simóes OPR, Valdés BR, Moya DBR
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 357-367
PDF size: 105.73 Kb.
Introduction: strategies worldwide used to decrease the frequency and impact of acute intoxication on health, arise from the existence of Toxicology Information Centers which introduces the toxic-surveillance systems. Central region of Angola (Melanje) because their demographic, socio-cultural, agricultural and population characteristics make up a high vulnerability region to toxic events and there are not in the country Toxicology specialized medical attention and epidemiological background in the study of such disease.
Objective: the goal of this trial is to characterize the behavior of some risk factors relating to acute intoxication in Malanje, Angola.
Sample and Methods: a transversal descriptive trial from January to November 2013 was carried out. Sample was making up from 494 subjects living in five geographic areas of Malanje province, Angola. The risk factors studied were: the use and presence of toxic agents at home, clustering in: foods, cosmetic products, drugs, medicinal herbs, alcohol and others hydrocarbons, pests control products, water treatment products, people that have seem snake near their action place and bite by snake.
Results: the behavior of the use or presence of toxic agents at home, clustering in: foods, cosmetic products, drugs and medicinal herbs, pests control products, water treatment products had high statistic signification (p ‹ 0.01) different to alcohol and hydrocarbons that not reached statistic signification. People that have seem snake near their action place and bite by snake showed evidence of a high significant behavior.
Conclusions: risk factors studied associated to acute significant intoxication are: use and/or presence of cosmetic and foods products; drugs and medicinal herbs, pests control products, water treatment and purify products and snake´s byte.
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