2011, Number 18
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Rev Cub de Reu 2011; 13 (18)
Artritis reumatoide y embarazo. Enfoque bioético en el Servicio Nacional de Reumatología
López MAM, Reyes PY, Martínez LJP
Language: Spanish
References: 17
PDF size: 69.24 Kb.
Rheumatoid arthritis during pregnancy is not a rare condition. The coexistence of both clinical conditions (Rheumatoid arthritis and pregnancy) is always an important challenge for physicians in charge to these patients. Is recommended that treatment must be personalized, because most of anti-rheumatic drugs have adverse effects, some of them related to pregnancy well established in some drugs and with not enough information and the present time, for some others. Interdisciplinary medical care of pregnancy women with Rheumatoid arthritis, including Rheumatology doctor in the treatment team are important steps in order to reduce mothers, fetus and perinatal complications. In this paper we review Rheumatoid arthritis related with pregnancy.
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