2014, Number 3
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Rev Ciencias Médicas 2014; 18 (3)
The retropropulsor and Buño stimulator: use in mandibular prognathism, cephalometric changes
Alfonso VH, Morejón ÁFC, García DC, Corbo RMT, Díaz BH
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 473-480
PDF size: 141.73 Kb.
Introduction: a prospective study was conducted with the use of the retropropulsor and stimulator of Professor Indalecio Buño in 24 patients with mandibular prognathism in mixed dentition.
Objective: to know the cephalometric changes during the use of the retropupulsor and stimulator.
Material and methods: patients underwent lateral radiographs before and twelve months after, comparing cephalometric changes obtained as a result of skeletal and dentoalveolar changes achieved, taking into account sex too.
Results: statistically increase of SNA angle and very significant reduction in SNB angle were found, which represented a significant change of the ANB angle.
Connclusions: regarding sex, there were significant changes in the SNA angle in males and in females in SNB angle, in addition to a significant variation in females of 1 SNB angle. These changes helped in improving the profile, concave, and to uncross previous bites that characterize patients with class III mandibular prognathism syndrome.
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