2012, Number 4
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Mul Med 2012; 16 (4)
Clinical-epidemiological and social context. A propos of an epidemiological outbreak in Granma, Cuba
Estrada PMU, Estrada VG, Vinajera TC
Language: Spanish
References: 39
PDF size: 158.46 Kb.
This article has as a main objective to sum up the updated information on the cholera a propos of its emergency in Granma province, Cuba and with the objective to identify the essential and determinant aspects of the disease, through the theoretical epidemiological and social approaches previosuly elaborated by diverse authors, by means of a bibliographic revision of primary and secondary sources directed to increase the diagnostics and etiologic aspects, its epidemiology, world-wide impact, the prevention, physiopathogenia, immunology, vaccination, clinical and therapeutic complications. There were discussed the aspects of the communication and the sanitary education, the medical and social behavior in front of the outbreaks, and the requirements of cholera investigation. There were made some critical considerations and conclusions, associated to the Cuban outbreak.
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