2012, Number 1
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Rev Sal Pub Int 2012; 3 (1)
Health diplomacy and its presence in the international relations for the 21st Century
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References: 17
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Objective: An approach to the perspective of Health Diplomacy was carried out as well as the real possibilities that it will be a solution that correlates the global health system with international relations.
Method: Prospective longitudinal descriptive
Results: In contrast to the scientific and technical development achieved at present, in several Third Word Countries, some pandemics prevail which are considered a threat if necessary measures are not taken with the political willingness that this situation deserves. In this sense, some academic societies and international institutions have released the term Health Diplomacy as a tool to be employed by politicians, diplomats and officials of non-governmental organizations to raise consciousness in societies that have the economic power to support measures to counteract the negative impact of these diseases.
Conclusions: This initiative, in principle, has not been implemented equally with positive interests, by determined governments and institutions that are involved in this issue.
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