2014, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (3)
Dentigerous cyst in a pediatric patient with acute lymphoblastic leukemia type 1
Acosta-Rangel MC, Barrera-Vera H, Franco-Ornelas S, Aldape-Barrios B, Castro-García F
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 338-341
PDF size: 121.49 Kb.
Objective: To report medical and surgical treatment in a patient with
acute lymphoblastic leukemia type 1 who developed a dangerous cyst.
Clinical case: A male of 8 years with acute lymphoblastic leukemia type
1, whose treatment was in induction. In one month, the patient presented
a facial asymmetry due to mandibular growth and acute pain, hyperthermia
and malaise. In the examination, we identifiedlip parestesia,
a second temporal molar treated with chromium steel and expansion
involving the cortical of the lateral permanent incisive until the first permanent
molar was identified. Since we suspected of bone metastasis,
we performed an orthopantomography. We established the diagnosis of
dentigerous cyst. Enucleation, curettage, and extraction of decay teeth
were done in order to avoid and prevent infectious sources.
Conclusions: The most frequent clinical manifestations of acute lymphoblastic
leukemia are anemia, leukopenia, and thrombocytopenia.
This leukemia may be manifested also as infiltration of the jaw bone. In
this case, the results showed no presence of bone metastasis. As a first
step before to begin treatment, the physician ought to make sure that the
patient is free of infectious processes anywhere that may influence the
clinical development of leukemia. Due to the surgical intervention and to
a successful bone marrow transplant, the patient is on remission.
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