2014, Number 3
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Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc 2014; 52 (3)
Educational status and life expectancy in patients with chronic non-communicable diseases
Villarreal-Hernández LS, Romo-Martínez JE
Language: Spanish
References: 28
Page: 316-321
PDF size: 71.01 Kb.
Background: Suffering a non communicable chronic disease in combination
with low educational level and low economic income develops
a synergy, which contributes to a poor prognostic about the expectancy
of life. A better educational level may improve the life expectancy. The
objective of this research was to explore this relation.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study from January 1, 1999, to December
31, 2011, was performed. We included 2306 patients obtained from
the information system in mortality of Family Medicine Unit 3 of the
Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social in Guadalajara, Jalisco. The main
measures were average age-at-death and educational level. We used
Student’s t, χ
2 and relative risk (RR) calculations for statistical analysis.
Results: The average age-at-death for those who had a low educational
level (
n = 1936) was 73.24 ± 12.18 years, while for those who
had a satisfactory level of education (
n = 370) was 63.47 ± 14.51 years,
estimating a mean difference of 9.77 years with
p ‹ 0.001. Having a low
educational level and not reaching life expectancy compared to the satisfactory
level meant a RR = 0.24 (IC 95 % = 0.19, 0.30). The projected
linear regression for each educational grade showed that patients lost
2.5 years of life.
Conclusions: Diabetes accompanied by a low educational level showed
a double probability of not reaching the expectation of life.
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