2011, Number 2
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Rev Cub de Tec de la Sal 2011; 2 (2)
Capacidad funcional y bienestar subjetivo de los pacientes geriátricos del municipio Cerro. 2012
Silva JE
Language: Spanish
References: 16
PDF size: 142.90 Kb.
Due to the aging population World cup we wanted to carry out this investigation, with the purpose of identifying the functional capacity, the existence or not of relationship of this with some biological, psychological and social characteristics to study and to specify the grade of satisfaction that you/they have with their state of health. He/she was carried out a descriptive study, retrospective of the patients' traverse court bigger than 60 years that you/they went to the consultation of phodology of the municipality Hill between January 1ro and June of the year 30 2010. The universe was of 290 old men and the sample of 134 patients. The information was obtained through a survey, the application of the index of Katz, of Lawtón and the scale of Tinetti modified 3 and 4. 13.4 disability percent, bigger dependence, was verified to more age, in the widowers, female, housewives, in the drop escolarity and when they had associate more than two E.C.N.T; more than third o'clock he/she leaves they considered healthy and satisfied with its state of health and unsatisfied fundamentally for feeling of solitude. The results were presented by means of charts of distribution of frequency and of contingency. He/she was carried out the test of square chi of independence qualitative variables. The results evidence the necessity to use the models and applied tools, to prevent this disability type.
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