2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2012; 2 (1)
Strategies for prevention and control of cerebrovascular diseases
Rodríguez GPL
Language: Spanish
References: 80
Page: 61-86
PDF size: 341.46 Kb.
Objective: A literature review was carried out about the mainly and effective strategies stated for prevention and control of cerebrovascular diseases, and especially about stroke.
Development: An assessment of the following strategies related with a greater impact in specific management of cerebrovascular diseases was conducted: 1) Stroke education, 2) Medical prevention, 3) Prehospital medical management system and stroke code, 4) Early diagnosis with brain and vascular imaging, 5) Stroke units, 6) Management by neurologist of stroke patients, 7) Intravenous thrombolysis in ischemic stroke, and 8) Specialization and regionalization of subarachnoid
hemorrhage management. Also it was consider the need for potentiation of neurovascular clinical research and especially some possible clinical trials in stroke patients (Intravenous streptokinase for the treatment of ischemic stroke and recombinant human erythropoietin as a neuroprotective therapy in brain ischemia). Finally, is delineated the importance of statistical data vigilance of acute and chronic cerebrovascular disease: consequences, risk factors and repercussions of public health interventions.
Conclusions: There is comprehensive information for assignation of more resources and implementation of sustainable strategies with effective impact in cerebrovascular diseases. Also is necessary one updated and approved national program or plan for prevention and control of cerebrovascular diseases. This organized healthcare system must be able to offer the needed care for each patient and optimizing the use of all resources.
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