2012, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Neurol Neurocir 2012; 2 (1)
Prognostic factors in the severe traumatic brain injury of the adult
Piña TAA, Garcés HR, Velázquez GE, Lemes BJJ
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 28-33
PDF size: 200.11 Kb.
Objective: To identify the factors related with death prognosis in patients suffering traumatic brain injury.
Methods: An analytic, prospective and observational study was executed by means of a univariate analysis of 66 patients. The patients were admitted with the diagnosis of severe traumatic brain injury in the Neurosurgery service of "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" University General Hospital located in Bayamo City. The period of investigation was between January 1srt, 2009 to December 31, 2010.
Results: 66 patients with severe traumatic brain injury were included in the study, and 15 died (the mortality was 22,7%). The Glasgow Coma Scale initial was related with the probability of death in patients between 3 to 5 points; the patients with hypotension and hypoxia had a greater risk of death after severe brain injury.
Conclusions: In patients with severe brain injury tree independent prognostic factors of mortality were detected: hypoxia, hypotension and the punctuations in the Glasgow Coma Scale lower of 5 points.
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